No matter their age, gender, or race, anybody can experience anxiety.
Anxiety, or Generalized Anxiety Disorder(GAD) is one of the most common mental health issues people face. Not only in the United States, but internationally, as well. Even though anxiety does not discriminate against age or gender, woman are more likely to be diagnosed with it.
Even though it is really common, anxiety, thankfully, is also one of the most treatable mental health concerns. But before you can know if you should get treatment for it, you might be wondering the signs of anxiety if you are a women. And if you will experience it differently than a man will.
Anxiety Symptoms In Women
Not every woman will experience the same symptoms of anxiety. However, generally speaking, anxiety can manifest itself in the following ways(for both genders)
An increase in heart rate
Poor concentration
Feeling irritable
Difficulties with sleeping or insomnia
Stomach pains
Rapid or shallow breathing
Feeling clammy
Why Is Anxiety Contributed More To Woman Then Men?
Above, we did say that woman are more likely to receive a diagnosis of anxiety than a man is. Note that does not mean that woman experience more anxiety or symptoms than the opposite gender. Men are typically just less likely to receive help for mental health concerns due to stigma surrounding it. But that's a post for another day.

Nobody should have to suffer with anxiety. But, typically, woman are diagnosed at higher rates because they are more likely to seek out medicine or treatment for it.
Still, many women do not receive support for anxiety disorders. Because at times, we question ourselves. You may question whether or not you are being too dramatic or emotional. Or wonder if these are just fleeting symptoms over a temporary situation.
But the truth is, anxiety does not have to be contributed to any one event or situation. You can feel incredibly anxious over absolutely nothing.
Managing Anxiety
It's one thing to recognize the signs of anxiety in yourself. It's a whole different ball game knowing what to do after that.
The symptoms that are associated with anxiety are not the most difficult issue with it. Unfortunately, learning to manage these symptoms and not just mask them, is the other side of the story that isn't often spoken about.
Medication can and most certainly help with the symptoms. But, this can sometimes just mask what is going on. Anxiety has a way of still boiling underneath the surface and affecting us more than we realize.
Luckily, there are many solutions that can help you manage and work through your anxieties very effectively.
Tips On Managing Anxiety
Anxiety happens because we get so stuck in our own thoughts. Known as ruminating thoughts, this occurs when we can't let go of certain ideas or thoughts that our brain tries to tell us. Which is why we can excessively worry over certain things happening.
Journaling can help counteract this by literally getting the thought out of your head and on to paper or your phone. Writing down what is occurring in your head can help you recognize these intrusive thoughts and stop them from affecting you.
Walking or working out, even for small amounts of time is great for your physical as well as mental health. Physical activity can release feel good endorphins in your brain which will then in return help you feel better.
Deep Breathing Exercises
One of the best and quickest way to calm your "nervous" nervous system down is by practicing deep breathing exercises. You can look this up on Youtube to get a feel for how to do them and it is best to practice when you are relatively calm. This way, as the anxiety takes over, it will just come naturally.
What To Do Next
If you are struggling with learning how to best combat anxiety, reach out to me for help with this or any other reasons. Counseling for women's issues can help you learn how to manage anxiety so you can be more free from it.